Up-to-date real estate information. A source for facts regarding the local area , real estate trends and current market conditions.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Top 11 Reasons A Seller Should Market Their Home During the Holidays!
11. By selling now, you may have an opportunity to be a non-contingent buyer during the spring, when many more houses are on the market for less money! This will allow you to sell high and buy low!
10. You can sell now for more money and we will provide for a delayed closing or extended occupancy until early next year!
9. Even though your house will be on the market, you still have the option to restrict showings during the six or seven days around the Holidays!
8. January is traditionally the month for employees to begin new jobs. Since transferees cannot wait until spring to buy, you need to be on the market during the Holidays to capture that market!
7. Some people must buy before the end of the year for tax reasons!
6. Buyers have more time to look for a home during the holidays than they do during a working week!
5. Buyers are more emotional during the Holidays, so they are more likely to pay your price!
4. Houses show better when decorated for the Holidays!
3. Since the supply of listings will dramatically increase in January, there will be less demand for your particular home! Less demand means less money for you!
2.. Serious buyers have fewer houses to choose from during the Holidays and less competition means more money for you!
And the Number One reason why you’re Seller should list during the Holidays…
1. People who look for homes during the Holidays are more serious buyers!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Please bring your questions we are here to help.
Refreshments WILL be served !!!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Importância de um agente
Na escolha de um local, haverá que ter em atenção vários aspectos: acessos, facilidade de transportes, locais de abastecimento, equipamentos sociais (escolas, hospitais...), zonas verdes, exposição solar. Quanto à casa em si, há diversos aspectos a analisar: qualidade global da construção, os isolamentos térmicos e acústicos, o espaço disponível e a sua distribuição, etc A Cidália estudara, caso a caso, a situação concreta do imóvel antes de o sugerirem.
Os aspectos legais são também muito importante. A Cidália tranquiliza os seus clientes, certificando-se antecipadamente que o imóvel cumpre todos os requisitos para ser vendido, evitando assim surpresas desagradáveis. Designadamente, confere o Registo Predial do imóvel, Averigua a eventual existência de hipotecas, penhoras ou usufrutos a favor de terceiros; comprova-se se o Imposto Municipal sobre Imóveis está em dia, entre outras formalidades. Após verificação de todos os aspectos, assessora o cliente em todos os pré-contratos a realizar (contracto de promessa de compra e venda, por exemplo).
Após a decisão de compra de casa, é chegado o momento de iniciar formalmente o pedido de crédito ao banco. E mais uma vez aqui, a Cidália assume a defesa dos seus clientes, fazendo reverter em favor destes a força negocial de que dispões junto da banca.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Home Buying Without Risk!
When :Saturday Novemebr 3rd 9-11am
Where : 845 Washington Street (St.JohnFilarmonica Club)
Stoughton Mass 02072
What you will learn:
- what is happening in the housing industry
- what to expect from your realtor and loan officer
- conforming mortgage products
- how to protect yourself from a sub prime loan
and much more!
Refreshments will be served! Please visit us and bring your questions.
Look forward to hearing from you. For additional details please e-mail at Cidalia@kw.com or call 781-38-7252
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Check out the new site!
I am excited to announce the new website that I have. http://www.homesbycidalia.com/ Please take a few minutes to see what the site has to offer. I want to make this a resource center for all involved. If there is something that you would like to see on the site let me know. The information on the website will change daily so make it a favorite. Look forward to hearing from everyone.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Know someone who needs a JUST SOLD sign in front of there home?
Just Sold Randolph $224,000 in only 63 days!. Do you know someone who would like to sell their home? I would love to be the agent to help them achieve that goal. Please don't hesitate to give my information to anyone you know or visit my website www.WilliamsTeamRealty.com
Friday, October 12, 2007
Foreclosure Drop in September!
CNN money.com states that -- The number of foreclosure filings across the country dropped in September, falling 8 percent from a 32-month high in August, according to a regular monthly survey.
Deliquencies, according to an article I read on Cnn mney also states that ' "delinquencies and defaults fell to 223,538 filings, according to the latest data from RealtyTrac, an online marketer of foreclosure properties.
RealtyTrac also reported that "nationwide numbers were down in all foreclosure categories, which include default notices, auction sale notices and bank repossessions, with 39 states reporting decreased activity."
Folks, there may be light at the end of the downward spiral after all.
What are your thoughts?
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Increasing your home's appeal!
That's all the time you have to create a winning first impression. Here are some simple to significant ways to maximize your home's appeal.
* Keep the grass cut and remove all yard clutter.
* Weed and apply fresh mulch to flower beds.
* Apply fresh paint to wooden fences
.* Tighten and clean all door handles.
* Clean windows inside and out.
* Powerwash home's exterior.
* Ensure all gutters and downspouts are firmly attached and functioning.
* Paint the front door.
* Buy a new welcome mat.
* Place potted flowers near the front door.
* Evaluate the furniture in each room and remove anything that interrupts "the flow" or makes the room appear smaller. Consider renting a storage unit to move items off-site.
* Clean and organize cabinets, closets and bookshelves.
* Clean all light fixtures and ceiling fans.
* Shampoo carpets.
* Remove excessive wall hangings and knick-knacks.
* Repair all plumbing leaks, including faucets and drain traps.
* Make minor repairs (torn screens, sticking doors, cracked caulking).
* Clean or paint walls and ceilings.
* Replace worn cabinet and door knobs.
* Fix or replace discolored grout.
* Replace broken tiles.
* Replace worn countertops.
Special details for showings
* Turn on all the lights.
* Open all drapes and shutters in the daytime.
* Keep pets secured outdoors.
* Buy new towels for bathrooms.
* Buy new bedding for bedrooms.
* Replace old lamps or lampshades.
* Play quiet background music.
* Light the fireplace or clean out the ashes and light a candelabrum.
* Infuse home with a comforting scent, such as apple spice or vanilla.
* Set the dining room table for a fancy dinner party
.* Vacate the property while it is being shown.
Looking for more tips please visit www.WilliamsTeamRealty.com or feel free to contact me directly.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Common questions and answers about shortsales.
Will I Owe Money After I Have Been Foreclosed On?
When the lender or bank forecloses on the property and they eventually sell the property for less than what was owed, then a deficiency exists with the loan. The deficiency is the difference between what the homeowner owed and the amount the property sold for.Will the bank come after me for the difference?During the short sale process, we can negotiate with the lender to not seek a deficiency judgment against the homeowner.Some lenders as a matter of policy, will not seek a judgment against the homeowner because they feel they have waived their right by accepting a short sale however, we have them acknowledge it in writing that they will not seek a judgment.There is a second issue as it relates to the deficiency and that is the 1099. The lender will issue a 1099 to the homeowner for the difference. In my dealing with lenders, I have found that they generally will not seek a deficiency judgment because of the hardship. In negotiate with your lender to report your loan as payment in full.Here is an important note. The lender, if they issue a 1099 cannot then sue for a deficiency judgment. The lender can only pursue one or the other. It is obviously in the best interest of the homeowner to be proactive and deal with the foreclosure NOW. At least there is a chance that I can negotiate on your behalf.
What About My Credit?
The big key here is to avoid foreclosure. By nearly any measure, a foreclosure is the most damaging event a credit status can encounter - worse than bankruptcy. In the course of getting your short sale approved you may miss your mortgage payments, and these will show on your credit. By avoiding foreclosure, you will likely be able to resume normal borrowing (car loans, credit cards, consumer goods and such) relatively quickly. Your credit will recover much quicker from the credit dings of a few late mortgage payments, if you keep your other accounts current. Always stay on top of your consumer credit. So, consider allocating your funds to meet basic necessities (food, utilities, household needs, auto expenses and such) first. Beyond paying for necessities plan to pay other bill to keep as many accounts current as possible. Keep “necessary” Accounts Current when deciding which credit bills to pay. If you are using a credit card to temporarily pay for necessities, you want to be sure to not jeopardize the availability of that account.A short sale may be just one part of a larger effort to get through a tough period. I want to help make it possible for your credit to recover quickly. YOU need to avoid foreclosure – and that’s where I can assist you.
Is a short sale right for me?
Mortgage lenders are increasingly willing to work with borrowers faced with a financial hardship to accept a discounted payoff on a mortgage. If you are faced with a hardship, and are unable to meet your obligation on your mortgage, your lender would prefer to settle the matter with you as opposed to taking the property through foreclosure. As you consider the option of pursuing a short sale, remember your lender is looking to limit any potential loss on your loan. By completing a short sale, your lender has arrived at a solution that is, for them, much better than a foreclosure. If I do a short sale, how much will I have to pay to sell my home? Nothing. It’s true, NO OUT OF POCKET EXPENSE. When your lender approves the short sale, all commissions, title and escrow fees, and even most repair expenses are paid by the lender as part of the short sale approval. Remember, lenders approve short sales and accept the resulting loss in an effort to avoid bigger losses through foreclosure.
What sort of hardship would my lender consider legitimate?
To some extent, that will depend upon the mortgage company considering the short sale request. Generally, as long as the hardship is real and the mortgage company believes the loan is likely to become delinquent as a result, the short sale request will be processed by the Loss Mitigation Department. A big key to getting Loss Mitigation to accept a hardship is to submit a strong hardship letter. The hardship letter sets the tone for the entire file.
I am current on my mortgage, will my lender consider a short sale?
The answer is, maybe. Some lenders will accept a short sale file for approval on loans that are not delinquent. Other lenders will not accept the file until the loan is delinquent. From my experience, you should wait. If your current on your mortgage, the likelihood of your lender believing you hardship is SLIM and will get denied.
Why would a mortgage company agree to accept a short sale?
There are actually several reasons why a mortgage company would approve a short sale payoff, including the following:
· Legal Concerns : Mortgage lenders have come under legal pressure to work with borrowers to equitably resolve situations where borrowers are unable to meet their mortgage obligation, particularly when the borrower makes an effort to arrive at a compromise solution. · Wall Street is Watching Mortgage lenders rely heavily on their ability to package and sell bundles of loans on the secondary mortgage market. They need to sell these bundles of loans in order to put the funds back to work by loaning the money again and collect loan fees along the way. If mortgages perform poorly after they are sold it could impact the lender's ability to sell their loans on the secondary market. A successful short sale gets the loan payoff resolved quickly. · Asset Management Expenses- If a lender acquires a property through foreclosure, the property will be managed until it is repaired and resold. It is expensive to manage real property assets - homes – spread throughout the region, the state and possibly even the nation. Keeping properties maintained, keeping utilities on, making repairs and the administrative costs attached to these activities are all costs the lender would prefer to avoid. A successful short sale eliminates most of these costs. · Reserve Requirement- Delinquent and non-performing loans place another burden on mortgage lenders. For all delinquent and non-performing loans lenders must set aside funds in reserve to deal with potential losses. These funds cannot be put to work generating new loan fees until the bad loans are resolved. A successful short sale lets the lender put more money to work.
I have two loans, can I still do a short sale?
My property is in rough shape and needs work, can I still do a short sale?
Absolutely. In fact, lenders are more motivated to do a short sale on a property that needs work than on a property that doesn’t. The lender knows the risk of loss goes up when they foreclose on a property that needs lots of work. Aside from expense of completing the work, lenders are simply not set up to get the work done. They are in the loan business, not the fix it business.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Buyer Agency Services Frequently Asked Questions
A. When a Seller engages the services of a Listing broker by signing an Exclusive Right To Sell Listing Agreement, that Seller becomes the broker's client. This means the broker, and it's subagents, who include all brokers showing the home to Buyers who do not have a Buyer Agency contract or relationship with that broker, represent the Seller. They owe the Seller undivided loyalty, utmost care, disclosure, obedience to lawful instruction, confidentiality and accountability. They Must put the Seller's interest first and negotiate for the best price and terms for their client, the Seller.
Q. What is a Buyer's Agent?
A. When a Buyer engages the services of a Buyers broker by signing an exclusive Buyer Agency Agreement, that Buyer becomes the broker's client. This means the broker represents the Buyer. The broker owes the Buyer undivided loyalty, utmost care, disclosure, obedience to lawful instruction, confidentiality and accountability. They must put the Buyer's interest first and negotiate for the best price and terms for their client, the Buyer.
Q. What is a Disclosed Dual Agent?
A. A broker can work for both the Buyer and the Seller on the same property provided such broker obtains the informed consent of both parties. The broker is then considered a disclosed dual agent. This broker owes the Seller and the Buyer a duty to deal with them fairly and honestly. In this type of agency relationship, the broker does not represent either the Seller or the Buyer exclusively and they cannot expect the broker's undivided loyalty. Also undisclosed dual agency is illegal.
Q. How much does it cost to hire you as my Buyer's Agent?
A. In Real Estate, when buying, whether they represent the Seller or the Buyer all Realtors are FREE. Buyer's Agent offers are written to be paid 50% of the commission paid by the seller to the listing agency, costing you no money. However there are several costs to you, should you not hire the best Buyer's Agent for your needs. A newcomer to the profession with a lack of experience, market knowledge, and negotiating skills can cost you weeks or months of your time. They can cost you money by not knowing the market values, trends, and conditions. Worst of all, they can cost you your dream home by giving you poor advice or by not knowing it was for sale. In most professions the client has to pay a lot more money to have the best representation. A great Doctor, Accountant, or an Attorney with a proven track record will charge a much higher rate than a newcomer to their profession. Since it costs no more money to work with the best real estate team in town, why wouldn't you?
Q. Do I have to sign an exclusive Buyer Agency Contract?
A. Yes. Legally in order to be represented by an Agent whether you are looking to buy or sell a home the process is the same. You typically ask people you know and trust for referrals and interview a couple of Realtors. You ask questions, about the agents services offered, costs, track record and cancellation policies to determine if you would like to hire that professional. We always allow Buyers to have a home buying consultation meeting and to view homes with us for a day, before making a decision to hire us. We only ask for a 60 day contract for areas we service, and allow you the option to cancel or extend the contract depending on your home buying needs, with no upfront fees and no penalties or fees if you cancel for any reason.
Q. What are some of the exact differences between Seller's Agent and a Buyer's Agent Services?
A.Seller Agency Customer Level Services
Ask Buyer for price range, pre-approval and home buying preferences over the phone.
Set Buyer up on www.WilliamsTeamRealty.com with log in and password to search all available
home matching their needs.
Daily updates include price changes, new listings as well as ability to change criteria at any time.
Ability to search entire MLS with photos, addresses and complete details.
We will schedule all appointments with listing agents and sellers for homes of interest.
Point out all pros and benefits of each home viewed.
Same day responses regarding all matters. (Note buyer clients take priority)
Return calls and e-mails during home search process and contact weekly from offer to close. Follow up with Buyer once in new home.
Provide Seller Disclosure Statement if available.
Prepare and present offer immediately to listing agent. (must legally recommend Buyer to offer full price)
Disclose all Buyer information to the Seller to fulfill my fiduciary responsibility to the Seller to
represent their best interests.
Oversee and coordinate all transaction processing including appraisal, mortgage
commitment, and financial requirements.
Attend home inspection and present Seller with any Buyer concerns.
Arrange and attend final walk through and closing.
B. Buyer Agency Client Level Services
In depth face to face Buyer consultation asking many questions resulting in buyer articulating
and prioritizing home buying needs, concerns and expectations. Obtain copy of Buyers pre-
approval letter
Set Buyer up on www.WilliamsTeamRealty.com with log in and password to search all available
homes matching their needs.
Daily updates include price changes, new listings as well as ability to change criteria at any time.
Ability to search entire MLS with photos, addresses and complete details.
We will schedule all appointments with listing agents and sellers for homes of interest.
Document the pros and cons of each home viewed, provide impartial advice.
Same day response regarding all matters. (Note buyer clients take priority)
Contact Buyer weekly during home search process and contact weekly from offer to close.
Follow up with Buyer once in new home.
Provide market analysis. Obtain assessors field card, property plot plan and Sellers Disclosure Statement.
Consult Buyer regarding negotiation strategy and preparation of offer to purchase. Present offer to listing broker immediately.
Keep all Buyer information confidential to fulfill my fiduciary responsibility to the buyer in
protecting their best interests.
Oversee and coordinate all transaction processing including appraisal, mortgage
commitment, and financial requirements.
Attend home inspection and consult Buyer regarding any concerns from inspection.
Arrange and attend final walk though and closing.